Development of a projective technique – via online peer exchange


Overview of projective techniques as supplemental tools in psychotherapy and counseling

Projective psychodiagnostic techniques in PT – past and present
Association method for diagnosis within C.G. Jung’s complex theory (1904), and in his use of tarot
Rorschach test by H. Rorschach (1921)
TAT - Thematic Apperception Test by H.A. Murray (1935), and Heckhausen TAT (1963)
Joint Rorschach Testing by J. Willi (1973)
AAP – Adult Attachment Pictures by George et al. (1999)

(methods which are related to projective techniques: FAST Family Systems Test by T.M. Gehring (1998), family constellations, anchoring and time line)

Image perception, psychophysiology and neurobiology
Somatic marker hypothesis by Damasio, embodiment findings Research on the effects of advertisement, film, fine art images (e.g. “eMotion project” at the Museum of Fine Arts, St. Gallen), psychophysiological parameters as indicator for imageimpact in research e.g. heart beat rate , skin conductance level, duration of the gaze, research with magnetic resonance imaging with pictures of the AAP - A. Buchheim et al.

The search for images with high potential for emotion induction
In cultural history: as a method of coping with collective and individual anxiety; in religion; in the media; in
IAPS picture database for emotion induction (picture parameter: valence, arousal, dominance),
In the ZRM database by Krause and Storch (only images with positive connotations), for I-P-S (photos and fine art images, including conflict-ridden themes, mostly excluding recent images)
Current applications in pain research, more recently also in addiction therapy

Instructions for I-P-S, observation categories, and evaluation

Demonstration of I-P-S with the aid of example images, possibly presentation of case studies
Discussion of evaluation criteria, their applicability and value, etc.
Use of the “card deck” version or the letter-size version, which then functions as an “anchor”
Possible card sequences, participants’ suggestions
Suggestions and comments concerning image selection, instructions, mode of putting the cards on the table/floor, and aftereffects.

I-P-S in psychoanalytic psychotherapy
Observation of the interplay between patient and therapist with special attention to:
anxiety coping mechanisms; defense mechanisms; relationship episodes that are either discovered in the pictures or occur between patient and therapist during interaction with the pictures; transferences that influence the viewing process

Possible applications in PT and in related fields
Diagnostics and at the same time indicator of the patient-therapist relationship; therapy and at the same time catalyst of the therapeutic process; deeper rooting of therapy goals during and towards the end of therapy. Also suited for patients with limited verbal expression abilities (conditioned by level of education, age, or illness, e.g. geriatric, migrant, or trauma patients, or patients with addictions). May also be integrated into relationship counseling, coaching, and education (particularly in teaching media literacy).



Buchheim, A. / Taubner, S. / Fizke, E. / Nolte,T.: Bindung und Neurobiologie: Ergebnisse bildgebender Verfahren, in: Psychotherapie, 15.Jahrgang 2010, Bd.15, Heft 1, CIP-Medien, München

George, Carol / West, Malcom : Das Erwachsenen-Bindungs-Projektiv (AAP) : Ein neues Messverfahren für Bindung im Erwachsenenalter. In: Gloger-Tippelt, G. (Hrsg.): Bindung im Erwachsenenalter. Ein Handbuch für Forschung und Praxis, Verlag Hans Huber, Bern 2001

Gombrich,E.H.: Aby Warburg Eine intellektuelle. Biografie, Philo & Philo Fine Arts/ Europ.Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg 2006

Kraft, Hartmut (Hrsg.): Psychoanalyse,Kunst und Kreativität, Medizin. Wissenschaftl. Verlagsgesellschaft, Berlin 2008

Storch, M.,Krause, F.: Selbstmanagement – ressourcenorientiert , Verlag Hans Huber, Bern 2003

Holznagel, G.: Identifikations-Projektions-Serien – ein projektives diagnostisch-therapeutisches Arbeitsmittel im Kartenspielformat, Seminar auf der Erfurter Psychotherapiewoche, September 2010

Internet-links about psychodiagnostics and psychotherapy - overview:
Leibniz-Zentrum für Psychologische Information und Dokumentation ZPID – Universität Trier

Zentrum für Testentwicklung und Diagnostik an der Universität Freiburg

Zöllner, Ulrike, (2001), Hochschule für Angewandte Psychologie Zürich :
Psychodiagnostik zwischen Wissenschaft und Leidenschaft -

Internet-links about projective psychodiagnostical methods:
Assoziationsmethode zur Diagnostik von Komplexen ( nach C.G. Jung):


Thematischer Apperzeptions-Test:

Jung heute ( Jung und ZRM-Bildkartei):

Internet-links about vendors of imagecards for therapy and coaching with similar approach: (Bilder zum AAP, S.143 -147)


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